Ayo Handy- Kendi
3 min readJan 29, 2021

28th Black Love Day Offers Virtual Activities, Feb. 13, 2021 on Theme: Healing the Wounds that Divide- Reuniting Our Strengths Thru Black Love”

For Immediate Release:

Nya Akoma (pronounced N yah Ah coma) is the greeting for Black Love Day, Feb. 13, which means get a heart, be patient, return to love. Black Love Day (BLD) is the 3rd commemorative holiday or wholyday of observance, celebration, reconciliation, atonement and demonstration of love within and for the Black community using 5 Tenets or Loving Acts; Love for the Creator, Love for Self; Love for Family, the Community and the Black Race (Hue-man).

As the founder, Ayo Handy-Kendi, a Certified Breathologist, Diversity Trainer and organizer/activist, stewards Black Love Day (BLD) thru her group, the African American Holiday Association (AAHA) and as CEO of PositivEnergyWorks.

BLD ’21 offers a free Virtual Black Love Conference to offer tools, solutions, resources and inspiration as best practices of Black Love showcasing 50 presenters, healers, community and spiritual leaders with inner-attainment from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m EST. The Black Love Day 28th Relationship Ceremony from 7 to 9 p.m will transforms relationship pain in the Ritual of Reconciliation; expand love thru Breathology; share performances and the founders’ message on the 2021 theme, “Healing the Wounds That Divide — Re-uniting Our Strengths Thru Black Love.”

REGISTER to attend the events by Zoom video or phone https://www.eventbrite.com/e/black-love-day-28th-relationship-ceremony-virtual-black-love-conference-tickets-135441175201;

Put your Black Love shout-outs, get event up-dates and sign up for digital relationship resource guide on https://www.facebook.com/events/163591728442664. For info call 202–667–2577.

The goals of Black Love Day, Feb. 13th are to offer: 1). a spiritual alternative to the commercialized, Valentine’s day to unapologetically celebrate Blackness. 2) “for so-called” Black people to demonstrate for 24 hours, Black love through celebration, service, apology, forgiveness, and transform self-hatred through the power of self-love, self care and self-awareness; 3) “for so-called White people to put “love in action “ for a 24 hour demonstration of service, atonement and reconciliation towards Black people while inspecting their own racial attitudes, fears, denials, privileges and behaviors; 4). to increase peace, stop violence and return to love to heal all of our relationships.

Handy-Kendi described” “In this new year 2021 and new age, we need the power of Black Love using the heart’s high vibrational energy — way stronger than the low energy of fear, hate, scarcity and separation. Yes, we’ve always had divides, but 2020 exposed a reckoning over hot issues like health equity, racial justice, economic equality, policing, politics, education, competition for limited resources and just “living while black. Insane polarization, fighting, killing over survival ideologies sprawled into our streets and even into the Nations’ Capitol. The 28th Black Love Day will share hope, strengthen Black people’s resilience that Black Lives Matter and fortify our “unity in our diversity”.

“As oppressed people. we have to rise above to heal our race-based trauma of White supremacy/systemic racism while healing our own “divides” of distrust, colorism, tribalism, gang turfs, gender identities, ethnicity and have/have not class differences. Love is a spiritual link that connects tolerance with compassion, so we don’t hurt another to love ourselves or hate because of differences. On Feb. 13, come together to breathe in love, reconcile and bond around solutions to become whole, powerful people again by healing all our relationships”.

Learn what to do and how to daily practice BLD’s Tenets in 2021: www.AfricanAmericanHolidays.org Heal your relationship pain, emotions or trauma at www.PositivEnergyWorks.com or call 202–667–2577. ###